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#1 WordPress Map Plugin for Store Locator, Business Listing, Event Locator and many more.

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If you’re looking for a Location filter, you can use the radius distance filter to see which locations are within a given radius from the search location. This will help you find exactly what you need.
Start by entering your desired location title or address into the search bar and then select a radius. This will then only show listings that are within the specified area!

The Listing feature utilizes a location filter that is set to a pre-defined radius distance. All locations within this range will be displayed in the results.

Maps Example

To reorganize the categories displayed in Google Maps, you can change the order in which they appear. To do this, simply click on a category tab and select ‘Sort by Title’ from the drop-down menu. This will rearrange the categories so that they appear alphabetically, enabling you to quickly locate what you’re looking for. This will allow you to quickly and easily organize the different locations by title so that they are easier to find.

Visitors to Google Maps can sort the tabs by title, making it easy to locate a specific category type quickly. The sorting feature also allows users to hide or show certain categories as needed.

Maps Example

Looking to show a list of points below an embedded Google Map? You can do this by adding a marker listing that displays underneath the Google Map, providing an alternative way for your viewers to quickly browse through the different points on the map.

Google Maps has the amazing capability of showing listing content when users select a category, input a radius, and enter a particular location. Furthermore, adjusting interactive settings is a breeze with this plugin. A list of items categorized for easy browsing can be seen in Google Maps. This list is prominently featured on the main page of the website.

Maps Example

Have you ever wanted to add custom HTML over Google Maps? Now you can with the help of the Google Maps plugin. you can add custom HTML, map styling, images, and more to create a unique mapping experience that fits in with your WordPress website. With in a short time, you can make your own interactive maps with WP Maps Pro.

Looking to customize your Google Maps experience? Now you can with the ability to display custom HTML e.g Images, Videos, Custom Links etc. And don’t worry – they can be easily managed through the backend!

Googles Maps plugin lets you create custom HTML map markers with the help of the standard Marker object. This feature allows you to customize your maps to suit your individual needs and make them more interactive for users.

Maps Example

The Aare listing skin with Masonry Grid is a special layout technique that is used for arranging elements in an optimal position based on the available vertical space. This methodology is similar to fitting stones in a masonry wall and can be used to create aesthetically pleasing lists or grids.

Masonry grid layouts are based on columns and are great for displaying images and other content in a way that minimizes the amount of white space between them. You would then see aare listing skin with a masonry grid in Google Maps displayed on the frontend of the site. Below is an example of a map.

Maps Example

Udine Infowindow skins make it easy to customize the look of a Location infowindow. An InfoWindow skin displays content (text and images) in a popup window above the map, showing information about specific locations on the map. With Udine skin, you can choose from a range of design options to give your infowindows a unique and consistent look.

When you open a web page, the Udine Infowindow Skin will appear. This is a feature of Google Maps that allows users to customize their maps with different colors, sizes, and other elements. With this feature, you can give your website an attractive and unique aesthetic.


Maps Example

Parma Infowindow Skin is a module that allows users to quickly and easily customize the look of their Location infowindow. With Parma Infowindow Skin, users can select a skin that best matches the style of their site, and then apply it to their infowindow with just a few clicks!

An InfoWindow skin is a way to customize the look and feel of your map’s main window. You can assign a skin to any location on your map, and it will automatically apply whenever you view that location in the Map Viewer or on the map itself. Skins give you a lot of flexibility in how you interact with your map data.

You would then see a Parma Infowindow Skin displayed on the frontend of the site.

Maps Example

Ojas Infowindow Skin is a simple way to add custom visuals to a map’s Location infowindow. With an array of available skins, you can choose the look and feel for your infowindow that best suits your needs. Quickly apply your preferred skin and start making your maps visually stand out!
Ojas Infowindow Skin allows content such as text or images to be displayed in an interactive popup window over your map. This skin gives you the ability to customize the look and feel of the popup window and easily display information about a particular location.
These Infowindow Skin is a Google Map that appears on the front end of a website. When interacting with this feature, you will be able to view various locations and information about them, thus enhancing the user experience.

Maps Example

Kriday Infowindow skins provide an easy way to customize the look of your Location infowindow. You can browse through a variety of skins and find one that matches your theme or style. Once you select the skin, it can easily be applied to an infowindow!. An InfoWindow skin displays content (usually text or images) in a popup window above the map, at a given location.

You will see an interactive map illustrating the data you need. This Infowindow Skin provides an attractive and intuitive way to view information on the WordPress site. Below is an example of what this looks like.

Maps Example

Fanos Infowindow skins make it easy to customize the look and feel of your Location infowindow. With just a few clicks, you can select a skin and apply it to your infowindow, allowing you to quickly create an attractive and professional presentation.

InfoWindows allow you to customize the content—which usually consists of text, images, or other media—that appears in a popup window at a specific location above the map. You’ll know that they make the maps come alive with their unique style and flare. Check out an example of a Fano Infowindow Skin map right here to see what we mean.

Maps Example

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