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#1 WordPress Map Plugin for Store Locator, Business Listing, Event Locator and many more.

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You can keep backup of all map data in .sql file and use that to import your data backup if something goes wrong or you lost any data. You can use .sql file to transfer your map data from one domain to another domain as well. Your backup will be store at Manage Backup where you can import it very easily if data is accidentally deleted.

Backup of your plugin

To take a backup of your plugin you should do following steps :

Step 1 Go to Manage Backup Page and click on a ‘Plugin Backup’.

How to take a backup of your plugin Wpmapspro

It will take all backup of your plugin.

Step 2 Then Go to ‘Manage Backup’ Section of same page to see the backup of your plugin.

How to take a backup of your plugin

The WP Google Maps plugin provides users the ability to assign permission levels for controlling locations, categories, routes, and maps. This makes it much easier to monitor who has access to which maps and gives administrators more control over the content on their site. By assigning permissions, users can ensure that only those with the appropriate privileges have access to sensitive information.

Step 1 To do this, simply go to the Manage Permissions tab in the WP Maps Pro, then select or deselect the checkboxes for each permission that requires adjustment.

How to assign permission to users in google map WP Maps pro

Step 2 When you are done making changes, click ‘Save Permissions‘ to save your changes.

You can limit the viewable area and zoom level of Google Maps using limit panning settings. WP MAPS PRO provides the easiest way to limit panning/dragging so the map stays within certain bounds using limit panning settings.

Step 1 Go to Add or Manage Maps > Edit Map and scroll down to the Limit Panning Settings section.

Step 2  Enable the Limit Panning option.

Step 3  Enter the latitude and longitude of South West and North West boundaries and select Zoom Level.

How to use limit panning settings

Step 4 Click Save Map and see the changes.

By making use of this functionality, you will be able to set the limitation of locations per page in the listing. Follow the below steps to do this:

Step 1 Go to the Manage Maps page, now Add/Edit Map, and scroll down to the Listing Settings section.

Step 2 Enable the Display Listing tab and enter the number of locations you want to display in the Locations Per Page tab.

Step 3 Click Save Map and open the frontend map page.

You’ll see 2 listings locations per page below the map and click to next display more locations.

The Full-Screen control allows displaying maps in full-screen view so the device screen will be covered by Google Maps. With the WP MAPS PRO plugin, You can easily turn on or off full-screen control on google maps.

Step 1 Go to Add or Manage Maps > Edit Map and scroll down to the Control Settings section.

Step 2 By default, Full Screen control is enabled. Tick the Turn Off Full Screen Control option to remove the full-screen control.

Full Screen Control Google Maps

Step 3 Click Save Map and see the changes.

InfoWindows are an important feature of WP MAPS PRO that allow you to add additional information such as text, images, and videos to any marker on your map. To display infowindow messages on individual locations, follow these simple steps:

Step 1 Go to Add Location or Manage Locations > Edit Location page.
Step 2 Select Display Infowindow from On Click. By default, it is selected.
Step 3 Enter the Message in Infowindow Message tab. You can use HTML elements as well.

How to Display infowindow message of each location Wpmapspro
Step 4 Click on Save Location and open the frontend map page. You’ll see the infowindow message on the marker click.

How to Display info window message of each location Wpmapspro

By using WP Google map plugin you can make a redirect link to a Draw Area so their browser can automatically point them to the new page of your choice.

Redirect link to Draw Area

Follow below steps to allow redirect link to a Draw Area:

Step 1 Go to Drawing page and select your map.

Step 2 After draw any shape , click on the shape and you’ll see options on the right side.

Step 3 Point to the ‘Shape onclick Event’ and Enter the link of your url in the box.

How to make a redirect link to a Draw Area Wpmapspro

Step 4 Click Save Drawing. Then click to draw area from front-end to see it in action.

A Circle on a map will highlight a location , which covers the entire area defined as location.This tutorial will show how to Display a circle around the center location to highlight center location.

Step 1 Go to Add or Edit Map and scroll down to ‘Map’s Center’ section.
Step 2(Optional) Assign center latitude and longitude to the map. By default, center location is automatically calculated based on locations assigned to the map.
Step 3 Then Enable ‘Display Circle’ tab to display circle around center location.

How to display a circle radius around the center location Wpmapspro

Step 4 Then click on Save map.

Now you’ll see circle around center location.

How to display a circle radius around the center location

By the help of WP Google map plugin you can easily display map in frontend using shortcode. When you create a map a shortcode automatically generate in manage map page. Use this shortcode to display map in frontend.

Display Map in frontend

Step 1 Go to Manage Maps page , a window will appear that contains all map that you created.
Step 2 Copy the shortcode of your map.

How to Display map in frontend Wpmapspro

Step 3 Put the shortcode of the map on page or post where you want to display google maps.

Shortcode Paste Wpmapspro

Step 4 Click “Publish” or “Update” button. Below is the map you’ll create using this tutorial.

Frontend Map Wpmapspro

In the WP MAPS PRO plugin, metabox is used to assign the post / page to a map by creating a location using google map enabled textbox. Our plugin’s native metabox is by default visible on post / page and custom post type screen. But you can hide our meta box from any screen in the back-end by two ways:

From Posts or Pages

Step 1 Go to Posts > Add New or Pages > Add New or any custom post type screen’s Add New screen in the dashboard.
Step 2 You need to use the screen options at the top of the posts/pages and uncheck WP MAPS PRO checkboxes from selected screens.

Then you’ll see that metabox is now hidden for the selected screens in the back-end.

From Plugin Setting

Step 2 Under Meta Box Settings section, uncheck the checkboxes of all those backend screens where you want to hide the metabox created by our plugin and is not relevant to that screen. Keep the meta box visible on only those screens for which you want to display their information on the on map. It can be post / custom post / pages.

How to hide metabox from post and pages

Step 3 Then click on Save Settings button. Now you’ll see that metabox is now hidden from the selected backend screens.

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