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#1 WordPress Map Plugin for Store Locator, Business Listing, Event Locator and many more.

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Google Maps has controls like zoom control, Street View Control, Full-Screen Control, Map Type Control, etc. Most of the control options contain a position property (of type ControlPosition) which indicates where on the map to place the control. Using the WP MAPS PRO plugin, users can easily change the control positions using the below steps.

Control Position Settings

Step 1 Go to Add Map or Manage Maps > Edit Map and scroll down to the Control Position Setting section.

Step 2 Arrange the Control positions you want on the map.

Control Postion Setting WP maps pro

  • Zoom Control: select the position of zoom control like Top Right, Top left position, etc.
  • Zoom Control Style: select a style of zoom control like large and small.
  • Map Type Control: select the position of map type control like Top Right, Top left position, etc.
  • Map Type Control Style: select a style of map type control like the Horizontal and Dropdown menu.
  • Full Screen Control: select the position of full-screen control like Top Right, Top left position, etc.
  • Street View Control: select the position of street view control like Top Right, Top left position, etc.

Step 3 Click Save Map and see the changes.

Have you ever needed to change the Google Maps zoom level quickly? With our WP MAPS PRO, it’s easy. Here’s a tutorial on how to do it!

The default zoom level is set to 0. You can change the Google Maps zoom level of the map using simple steps.

Step 1 Navigate to the Add Map or Manage Maps > Edit Map page.

Step 2 Set Minimum Zoom Level, Maximum Zoom Level, and Default Zoom Level in Enter Map Information section.

Google Maps zoom level

Step 3 Click Save Map and see the changes.

That’s it! Once you’ve done this, the zoom level of your map will be adjusted accordingly.


With the WP MAPS PRO plugin, you can easily download a CSV file sample. This file gives you an example of how to format the data you will be entering to create your interactive map. A sample CSV file is the perfect option for you! By downloading this file, you will be able to access, edit and add your desired locations easily. This makes it easier to use the locations on a map in just a few clicks.


Step 1 Go to Import Location Page.

Step 2 Click on the Download Sample file button below the page.

WP Maps Pro allows users to disable Info Windows for certain locations by following certain steps. To do this, go to the “Add Location” tab and select the “Disable Info Window” option. Once enabled, the info window of a particular location will be automatically hidden and the details associated with it won’t appear on google maps.

This plugin allows disabling an info window of a particular location easily. To hide the infowindow, you should take the following steps:


Step 1 To disable Infowindow on a Google Maps location, you can go to ‘Add Location‘ or ‘Manage Locations‘ and select ‘Edit Location Page‘. From there, check the box labelled ‘Disable Infowindow‘.

How to Disable Info window of a particular location Wpmapspro

Step 2 Click on Save Location and see the changes.

You’ll see that infowindow will not open on mouse click or mouse hover.

WP Google Map plugin helps you to embed Google Maps in your responsive website so the maps resize automatically based on the screen size of the visitor’s browser.

Responsive Google Maps

If you resize the browser or view the page on a small device, the embedded map would adjust its size automatically based on your screen size.

Step 1 Go to Add or Edit Map and leave the Map width column blank to make the map responsive.

Responsive Google Maps Map Width Wpmapspro

Step 2 click Save map and open it in browser.
Your map now will be responsive. Try resizing your browser to see it in action.

Responsive Google Maps Map Responsive

Non Responsive Google Maps

Step 3 To make the map non responsive enter any Map width.

Your map now will be non-responsive. Try resizing your browser to see it in action.

Google Map NonResponsive WP maps pro

Before importing your backup file, make sure that you have created a plugin Backup. This allows you to easily transfer the backup without needing to manually configure settings and data. After creating the plugin Backup, you can now import the backup and begin using its contents.

If you have a backup of your files, it’s easy to import them into your computer. Just follow these steps:

Step 1 To import your backup, navigate to the Manage Backups page and scroll down until you find the ‘Manage Backup’ section. From there, you can select the option to import your backup.

Step 2 To import your backup, click the ‘import’ button.

How to import your backup Wpmapspro

KML, or Keyhole Markup Language, is used to display geographical layers on Google Maps. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a KML file using Google Earth and how to easily display it on Google Maps using our WordPress Plugin.

Download A Sample KML File

To understand the structure of a KML file or use this sample KML in your project, download sample kml file.

To verify the output of your KML file, you can use this free kml viewer tool.

Create a KML file using Google Earth

Below are the simple steps to create a kml file using google earth.

Go to Google Earth and search your location.

To add a path or polygon, Click on Add menu at the top and select Path or polygon menu item.

Draw on Google Earth

Draw your polygon and setup visual properties. e.g opacity, fill color.

On the left bottom, Under the Local KML Files, click on three dots menu and choose the Export as KML File. You can create multiple KML files for each drawing or use a single KML file for all drawing.


Export KML file Google Earth

Save the KML file and you can use this KML file in your project. use the above mentioned kml viewer to check your downloaded kml file output.

Below are the steps to use our wordpress map plugin to show kml file on google maps on your WordPress website.

Include Kml/Kmz file

Step 1 Go to Add or Edit Map page and scroll down to ‘Layers Settings’ section.

Step 2 Mark checked Kml/Kmz Layer option.

Step 3 Enter the full URL to the KML file you uploaded. You can display multiple kml layers on google maps by inserting comma(,) separated kml urls.

How to include your KMl/Kmz file in your map Wpmapspro

Step 4 click Save map to allow the layer added to your map.

KML Map Display Wpmapspro

Redirect is a way for your website to send a quick message to your reader’s browser and tell them that the page they want to visit has been moved, so their browser can automatically point them to the new page of your choice.

Step 1 Go to Add or Edit Locations page, scroll down and select Redirect radio button from On Click tab.

Step 2 Enter the URL in the Redirect Url tab.

How to redirect to Url by click on location Wpmapspro

Step 3 Click Save Location. Now open the frontend map page and on click marker you will be redirected to another page.

Do you need to keep a backup of your locations or transfer them from one server to another? With the WP MAPS PRO plugin, exporting is easy! You can quickly and easily export your locations as a CSV file. This makes it fast and simple to save and store your data securely. With our simple export feature, you can easily export your selected locations and save them to a CSV file. That way, you can have quick access anytime you need it!

Step 1 To Export locations, Go to the Manage Locations Page.

Step 2 Choose Export as CSV in the Bulk Actions dropdown and click on Apply.

How to Export your locations in csv file Wpmapspro

Then you’ll see all locations in the CSV file.

How to Export your locations in csv file

hide markers on page

Want to hide markersHow to hide markers on page loadon a map on page load? This guide will show you how! By hiding coordinates or markers on the page, you can keep your data and layout private until you’re ready to share it.

Step 1 Go to Add or Edit Map and Scroll down to the ‘Infowindow Settings’ section.

Step 2 Enable the box of ‘Hide Markers on Page Load’ option.

How to hide markers on page load Wpmapspro

Step 3 Click on Save Map and open it in browser.

Then you will see location markers will not display on your assigned map.

Hide Markers on Map Wpmapspro

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